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Suddenness and the Composition of Poetic Thought, a volume in the Performance Philosophy Series (Rowman and Littlefield International: London and New York, 2022).

From Here to Tierra del Fuego, a volume in the Trans-national Cultural Studies Series, (Champaign (Ill.): University of Illinois Press, 2000).

Scholarly Books

Refereed Journal Articles:


Poetic Judgement in Everyday Speech,’ in Poetry and (the Philosophy of) Ordinary Language, special issue edited by David Macarthur, Philosophies 9:5 (2024), 144. 

The Strange Relation of Poetry to Place,” in The Writer’s Place: Understanding the Impact of Spatial Psychology on Creativity, Special Issue 71 of Text: The Journal of Writing and Writing Courses, edited by Ginna Brock and Malcolm Holz (2024).

Carbon Neutral Conferencing,” Text: The Journal of Writing and Writing Courses 27:2 (2023), pp.1-17.

Considerations on the Immediacy of Poetic Thought,” Text: The Journal of Writing and Writing Courses, 26:1 (2022), pp. 1–18. 


On Originality in Poetic Diction and the Linguistics of 'Native-like' Speech,” College Literature, 49:2 (Spring 2022), pp. 228-256.​


From the Margins a Silent Tick: On the Traces of Performative Judgement in Literary Works,” in Philosophy and Literature, 45:2 (2021), pp.329-347.


Romantic Notions of Creativity Now,” in Poetry Now, Special Issue 64 of Text: The Journal of Writing and Writing Courses, edited J. Wilkinson, C. Atherton & S. Holland Batt (2021). 


Paul Magee and Owen Bullock, “Do You Really Have to Know the Rules to Break Them? On Teaching Creative Writing to Injured Servicepeople,” Westerly 66:1 (2021), pp.135-148.


The Links between Creative Writing and Traumatic Thought,” New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing 19:1 (2021), pp.27-37.


Alternative Futures for the Creative Writing Doctorate (by Way of the Past),” in Text: The Journal of Writing and Writing Courses 24:1 (April 2020).


Writing as Discovery: Investigating a Hidden Component of Scholarly Method’ in Interdisciplinary Literary Studies: A Journal of Criticism and Theory, 21:3 (2019), pp.297-320.


Paul Magee, Elena Isayev and Aref Sayed, ““The Sky Is Hidden”: On the Opening up of Language and National Borders” in GeoHumanities: Space, Place and the Humanities 5:1 (2019), pp. 295-311.


Where Does Poetry Take Place? On Tensions in the Concept of a National Art’ in Journal of International Comparative Literature 2:1 (2019), pp. 75-93.


How Do We Read Finnegans Wake in Silence?’ in James Joyce Quarterly 54:3-4 (2018), pp.115-134.


How Can Each Word be Irreplaceable? Is Coleridge’s Claim Absurd?’ in Philosophy and Literature 41:2 (October 2017), pp. 400-415.


We Do Not Know Exactly What We are Going to Say until We Have Said It”: Interview Data on How Poems are Made’ in New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing 13:3 (2016), pp.434-449.


Poetry and Risk: On the Similarities between Recital and Composition’ in Text: Journal of Writing and Writing Courses 19:2 (October 2015).

What Distinguishes Scholarship from Art?’ in New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing 11:3 (2014), pp.400-416.​​


Poetry as Extorreor Monolothe: Finnegans Wake on Bakhtin’ in Cordite Scholarly, Cordite 41 (February 2013).


The Scholarly Affair is Self-love’ in Out of the Ruins: The University to Come, special issue of Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies 28 (Fall 2012), pp.171-79.


Beyond Accountability: Introduction pt.1’, co-editor’s introduction to Beyond Practice-led Research, special issue no.14 of Text: Journal of Writing and Writing Courses, edited by P. Magee and S. Brook (October 2012).


Poetry as a Physics of Power’ in Focus on Science, special issue of Kunapipi: Journal of Postcolonial Writing and Culture 31: 2 (2009 ([published 2012]), pp.173-191.


Poetic Fact: On Research Questions as Relations of Force’ in Between Poetry and Philosophy, special issue of Mosaic: Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 45:1 (2012), pp. 121-36.


‘“His Face Bore a Striking Resemblance to My Father’s”: On the Poet’s Internal Critic’ in New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing 8:2 (2011), pp.114-131.


Is Poetry Research?,’ in Text, The Journal of Writing and Writing Courses 13:2 (October 2009).​​


Suddenness: On Rapid Knowledge,’ in New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing 5:3 (2008), pp. 179-95. 


Do we Really Need to Work More Creatively?’ in Arena Journal 28 (2007), pp.133-155.​​


John Howard’s Body’ in Cultural Studies Review 13:2 (Sept 2007), pp.77-97.


‘Who Speaks in Schbreber: The Ego and its Role in the Psychotic Text,’ in Writing the Symptom: Papers of the Freudian School of Melbourne 23 (August 2007), pp.79-98.


The Nullarbor Actually has Trees in It,’ in Rethinking Marxism 19:1 (2007), pp. 134-7.


Strange Directions in Future ResearchText, The Journal of the Australian Association of Writing Programs, 10:2 (October 2006).


Foreign Cookbooks: Editor’s introduction to Postcolonial Food,’ in Postcolonial Studies, 8:1 (August 2005),  pp.3-18.


Nudism, Multi-personality Disorder and the Hi-rise Novel,’ in Text, The Journal of the Australian Association of Writing Programs 9:1 (April 2005).


Kierkegaard II – The Sequel,’ in Cultural Studies Review 10: 2 (Sept 2004), pp. 114-131.


The Single Greatest Cause of Domestic House Fires: On the Hole in Hegel’s Aesthetics’ in New Writing, The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing 1: 0 (2004), pp. 55-67.​​​​


When the Sheep had Wings’ in Postcolonial Studies 2:3 (1999), pp. 331-43.


Lacan’s Twist on Peirce’s Dial’ in Analysis 8 (1998), pp. 59-71.


Book chapters:


Collis, P and Jen Crawford, Gertie Dorigo, Ursula Frederick, Katie Hayne, Rina Kikuchi, Margaret Knight, Paul Magee, Layna Onji and Emma Philips 2024f, ‘River People.’ In Imagining Futures Collected Works. Un/Archival Conversations and Practices, edited by Elena Isayev, Aoife O'Leary McNeice, Jairo A. Melo F., and Orhun UÄŸur (2024).


Magee P and Paul Collis, "Non-return and Non-arrival in Aboriginal Australia. Comment on Isayev (2021). Ancient Wandering and Permanent Temporariness. Humanities 10:91," in Isayev, E and Evan Jewell, Displacement and the Humanities: Manifestos from the Ancient to the Present (MDPI: Basel, 2021), 393-402.​​​


Non-refereed articles in a scholarly or professional journal:


Magee, P Collis, P and Jen Crawford, “Over Head: Notes on the River,” in Reading Time, special issue of Reception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History, edited by Amy Blair and Ika Willis 15:1 (2023) 115-33.

Magee, P Collis, P, Knight, W and Jen Crawford, “‘The Edge of Reality’: Paul Magee in Conversation with Paul Collis, Jen Crawford and Wayne Knight,” Cordite Poetry Review (1 Sept 2023).

Collis, P, Knight, W, with Magee, P and Jen Crawford 2023e, “Unfinished Business at Gundabooka,” Meanjin 82: 23 (Spring 2023), pp.108-119.

Magee P and Paul Collis, "Non-return and Non-arrival in Aboriginal Australia. Comment on Isayev (2021). Ancient Wandering and Permanent Temporariness." Humanities 10:91,’ in Humanities 11:4 (July 2021).


Elif Sezen’s “Dear Immigrants” and “The Turkish Bath”’ in Cordite Poetry Review, No.57: Confession (February 2017).​​


“‘Something You’ve Already Done in the Sleep of Your Life”: The Relation between Poetry Writing and Acting,' in Writing in Education 68 (Spring 2016), pp.68-72.


‘Flag waving on the beach,’ in Meanjin 70:1 (Autumn 2011), pp.12-14.​​


‘Opening conference address by Paul Magee, CSAA President’, in Continuum, Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 22:6 (December 2008), pp.747-9.


‘Editor’s introduction to The UNAUSTRALIA Papers’ in Continuum, Journal of Media and Cultural Studies  21: 4 (December 2007), pp.461-8.


‘Introduction to the UNAUSTRALIA conference’, Continuum, Journal of Media and Cultural Studies  21: 4 (December 2007), pp.471-5.


‘Introduction to Professor Jacques Rancière,’ Continuum, Journal of Media and Cultural Studies  21: 4 (December 2007), pp.557-8.


Major reviews: 


‘Human Canvas’, a Review Essay on Invention in the Real: Papers of the Freudian School of Melbourne, Vol. XXIV, Ed. Linda Clifton (London: Karnac, 2012), in Australian Humanities Review 57 (November 2014).


‘The Magic of the State’, a Review Essay of Michael Taussig’s The Magic of the State (New York: Routledge, 1997), in UTS Review Cultural Studies and New Writing 3:2 (Nov. 1997), pp. 193-207.


Edited volume of conference proceedings, and/or journal special issue:​


Beyond Practice-led Research, special issue 14 of Text: Journal of Writing and Writing Courses, co-edited with Scott Brook (October 2012).

The UNAUSTRALIA Papers, special issue of Continuum, Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 21:4  (December 2007)


Postcolonial Food, special issue of Postcolonial Studies 8:1 (August 2005).

...and other scholarly works

Journal Articles

Magee, Paul and Williams, C.K., “Interview’ Salmagundi 190/191 (Spring-Summer 2016), pp.86-105.


Wright, C.D., ‘An interview with C.D. Wright by Paul Magee’, The American Poetry Review 44 (6), (December 2015).


Magee, Paul, ‘Interview with Samuel Wagan Watson,’ Australian Poetry Journal  5 (1), July 2015.


Magee, Paul and Gander, Forrest ‘Paul Magee Interviews Forrest Gander’ in Cordite Poetry Review 47 (August 2014).


Magee, Paul and Polain, Marcella ‘Marcella Polain Interview’ in Blue Dog: Australian Poetry, 8:15 (August 2009), pp. 36-44.


Kevin Brophy and Paul Magee, ‘We Slowly Arrive Safely: Poetry at Home and Away’ in Text, The Journal of Writing and Writing Courses 14:1 (April 2010).


Writing as Discovery: Investigating a Hidden Component of Scholarly Method,  a cross-disciplinary symposium with Lucy Neave, Alison Booth, Saskia Beudel, Will Christie, Peter Doherty, Ross Gibson and Yvonne Paterson, 2018.


Your Brain on Writing, a podcast series with Inger Mewburn, 2022.


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